Tuesday, November 27, 2007

TXT message poetry

Hey year 7,
just a reminder that you need to start emailing your poems to me. You should be working on the presentation and sharing aspect at the moment and ensure that you create your digital presentation aswell. We will post some poems on the blog - feel free to do this before the project is due - if you are unsure how to do this please see me. The due date for the entire poetry project including rubric and share grid is due next Thursday 6th Dec.

Checking that this works...

Yay! I think that this works! Here is the Year 7s rehearsing back in Term 3 for our school show! Strange teaching position up on the rock...hmmmm!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


hey everyone...welcome to our blog!
posts come through the administrators first - so can can check that everything going on is relevant and appropriate.
if you haven't given us your email yet - please let us know and if you haven't got one we can help you create one.